3 Thanksgivings

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Although we've missed our families tremendously today, there hasn't been too much time to feel down because of the open and caring environment we're in. At one point, we wondered if we'd have even one Thanksgiving (no day off), and it turns out we're having three! Things have changed a bit since my first time in Prague, when I was the only American at my school and canned pumpkin was unheard of.

Here we are at my work's Can-American Thanksgiving celebration a couple of weeks ago:

The management team cooked the turkey and served the food; the rest of us brought sides and dessert to share.

Tonight, on the legit Thanksgiving, BW played American football with some dudes and we went to a church some friends attend for another spectacular meal. Bonus: The church is in a branch of an old train station!

Double bonus: During dessert, they threw American football on the wall :)

Tomorrow we'll get together with friends for another small Thanksgiving gathering. Not the same as being with our families, but, hey, we relished FaceTiming with everyone today! So, so thankful for this life and the brilliant people in it. Bless!

(And look... the giant tree went up in Old Town Square yesterday... Christmas is just around the corner.)

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