A snowy goodbye

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Those snowboots I keep intending to buy continue to sit on a shop shelf because, well, there is a serious deficit of snow here! We did wake up to one morning of flurries, though, and took Miss Michigan (a student teacher at my school) to Vysehrad to see the grounds blanketed in white before she returned to the U.S. It was so becoming that we stayed outside a bit too long and literally froze our tookuses off, but the views were worth it. 

This was our third trip to Vysehrad in the short time we've been here. There's something magical about it that I can't quite pinpoint... peacefulness and nostalgia just seem to fill your lungs when you breathe the air up there. I love our proximity to it - one metro stop south on the red line from our flat. Previous visits can be seen HERE and HERE.

Miss Michigan poses over Praha. See the castle in the back?

Barren trees allow for a good view of the Basilica

Snapping away before heading back to the U.S.

People leave candles even on a frigid morning

The St. Peter and St. Paul Basilica is a grand Gothic wonder

Mosaics crown the entrances

Unsettling door decor

They really pack 'em in

Happy day! I finally found Mucha (famous Slavic artist)! 

Snowy candles

A famous Czech poet keeps an eye on his own grave

Anton Dvorak (the composer to the left) photo-bombed our pic

The powder was perfect for snowballs

Our neighborhood is in the distance

Prague's oldest surviving building, the Rotunda of St. Martin (11th century)
Miss Michigan lived with us for a couple of weeks toward the end of her practicum, and she's now back in the States. Another teacher-in-training, Miss Spain, left in December, too. We wish them both much happiness and a long and illustrious teaching careers! Miss you guys.

Future teachers Miss Michigan and Miss Spain

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