1) Click on this badge and read our new post, "10 Ways to be a Better You in Prague":
2) Leave a comment that is 10 words or more. You'll have to give e-mail verification to do so, but they won't publish or use you e-mail. It's just to track responses.
3) Accept our deepest e-gratitude! (I'm giving you a virtual hi-five right now.)
Sorry- no pictures on the contest entry; I didn't realize that until after I'd written the post. Thanks for giving us a boost!

BW: How can we win this contest?
Me: Winning this blog thing would be a WAY better present than the huge hunk of Toblerone a student dropped off. (And that was a pretty rad gift- just a little hard to gnaw on.)

J-dog: I'm so excited! My parents are applying themselves!