Need some togas

Friday, March 7, 2014

BW was an enthusiastic Model United Nations pro in high school, and here I am in Athens being an MUN chaperone because the school needed a female teacher to come along. Sorry, BW!

We didn't even have MUN in my rural North Dakota high school - but we did have clubs like Future Farmers of America and competitions like State Music, so we traveled to exotic locals like Jamestown (home of the albino buffalo) and Bismarck (state Capitol with a fort). In all seriousness, though, those trips felt like momentous journeys to us.

The conference launched today, so we spent yesterday emanating awe in the birthplace of democracy and Western civilization. Here are some photos taken by my gung-ho co-chaperon DH, with student permission to post:

On the Aeropagus, where Eres was said to have been tried for killing Poseidon's son. Just picture them in togas.

The Acropolis's Parthenon, the most important surviving structure of Classical Greece, completed in 438 BC

Mmmmmm... Greek salad

Lots of sun at the Olympic Temple of Zeus, which Aristotle criticized as being a symbol of tyranny. 

The changing of the guard at the Presidential Palace

On the site of Hadrian's Library, circa AD 132, where papyrus rolls ("books") were stored

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