Quote Of The Day

A Prague Seven Stroll

Sunday, March 26, 2017

The thing about Prague is that you can stroll out your front door every day for a year and still find yourself in a new crevice of the city each time. After 3.5 years of living here, I'm gobsmacked...


Sunday, March 12, 2017

Winter is winnowing away and while there's been lots of theatre-going and park-walking, we've also been checking items off the ol' to-do list, which seems to sprout another few inches every time we pick...

A flat fiasco, now fine

Friday, March 3, 2017

BW and I ended up in our current flat on a fluke; we never planned to be here. We loved our last place and had no intention of moving - but we got displaced when our landlady decided to relocate back...

Frantiskovy Lazne in February

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Reasons to go to the charming little Czech spa town of Františkovy Lázně in drab February: 1) Goethe, Beethoven and Franz Joseph the First were all regular guests to the mineral baths and spa treatments...

5-sense Saturday

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Slush, muck, shivers and smog - Prague has been a tad worse-for-wear recently. The city just issued its third air pollution alert this year and formerly lovely blankets of crystalline snow have melted...

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