This is a work party

Thursday, December 12, 2013

This is a Communist TV Tower in Zizkov, Prague. It was built between 1985 and 1992 to be a giant transmitter.

This is a baby clamped on the side of the tower. It was part of an installation in 2000 by controversial artist David Cerny (remember the Purple Finger?), and people liked it so much they asked for it to stay permanently. The babies are HUGE, much taller than BW.

This is a group of us at our school's Christmas party inside the tower. We are enjoying ourselves immensely and are about to eat an amazing spread of food at 66 meters in the air.

These are people enjoying one of the towers' lounges. The guy on the right actually danced to a non-slow song with his wife for the first time. Ever.

This is one of the spectacular views from the tower, from 99 meters high. Prague Castle is smack in the middle of the cityscape.

These are big smiles. Too bad you can't see the kilt the Scottish guy in the middle is wearing.

This is a happy expat couple. Season's Greetings!

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