A pro scrimmage

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

CBS Sports is open on BW's phone every 2 minutes; he's eternally stealing glances at that glowing little screen and jarring me to attention with  "Woohoo! Wisconsin won!" We're in a March Madness bracket through a Canadian friend and BW is delighted to have been in the lead pretty much the whole time.

I just picked all the underdogs. Everyone likes a good underdog story. 

I was concerned about how BW would do with a steep lack of American football in his life, but he's been playing futbol (i.e. soccer) on Fridays to fill that sports-nut void. He even joined in a hockey scrimmage the other night that jr. high gym teacher D arranged. 

However, the recent ice time was just a drop in the bucket; it turns out that gym teacher D is a former pro hockey player! D not only was a member of the National Czech ice hockey team, but he also was a torch runner in the Nagano 1998 Olympics, the Czech Inline Hockey Champion in 2011 and second in the world for inline in 2006

I'll bet skating with a pro for an evening beats watching an American football game on TV any day.

See the "Kanada" pub sign on the left?

While the scrimmage played out on one end of the rink, the rest of us got a skating lesson on the other end.

Helmets and smiles for newbies on skates :)

Synchronized skating?

(Play) fight!

"We're going to be sore tomorrow."

The proper hockey players with their proper equipment

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